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I'M All Confused

黄莺莺 I'm All ConfUsed - 黄莺莺
WrItten bY:PatrIck Goh
I'm all confUsed
Don't know what I'm doIng
Hear bY the news
Or am I hallUsInatIng
Lost In the crowed
Don't know where I'm goIng
The mUsIc sreamIn' Loud
BUt I can't hear a thIng
ShoUld I shoUldn't I
DId we or dIdn't we
ThIs Is stIll the tIme for the Light of me
YoU don't know wIch to choose
I know we've got to break loose
BUt I'm all confUsed
TheY talk aboUt YoU
Told me what YoU where
I thoUght It wasn't trUe
BUt now I'm not so sUre
Saw YoU wIthIn
Heard what YoU wIll saYIng
Was It a dream
ShoUld I stop belIevIng
ShoUld I shoUldn't I
DId we or dIdn't we
ThIs Is stIll the tIme for the Light of me
YoU don't know wIch to choose
I know we've got to break loose
BUt I'm all confUsed
ShoUld I shoUldn't I
DId we or dIdn't we
ThIs Is stIll the tIme for the Light of me
YoU don't know wIch to choose
I know we've got to break loose
BUt I'm all confUsed
ThoUght of YoU
SaYIng It's @R_237_1850@
Talk aboUt YoU
TellIn' me It's over
StandIng here
ThInkIn' aboUt Tomorrow
WoUld YoU stIll be near
WhY YoU woUldn't here tonIght
ShoUld I shoUldn't I
DId we or dIdn't we
ThIs Is stIll the tIme for the Light of me
YoU don't know wIch to choose
I know we've got to break loose
BUt I'm all confUsed

《I'M All Confused》


Once Burned,Twice Shy