HUsh now hUsh now stars twInkle In the skY
SoftlY gentlY songs we wIll hUm and sIng
OUtsIde oUt where the world sIngs a lUllabY
Be stIll for I'm here wIth YoU tIll the end of tIme
HUsh now there now aYe twInkle In YoUr eYes
NIght @R_623_2955@s a soft call tree whIsper one last sIgh
OUtsIde oUt where the world sIngs a lUllabY
Be stIll for I'm here wIth YoU tIll the end of tIme
HUsh dear babY hold trUth to the Light
Hold near hold dear all that YoUr heart desIre
OUtsIde oUt there the world brIngs a lUllabY
Come what maY the dawn wIll sIng tIll the end of tIme
HUsh now hUsh now stars twInkle In the skY
SoftlY gentlY songs we wIll hUm and sIng
OUtsIde oUt where the world sIngs a lUllabY
Be stIll for I'm here wIth YoU tIll the end of daYs
Be stIll for I'm here wIth YoU tIll the end of daYs
HUsh now hUsh now stars twInkle In the skY
SoftlY gentlY songs we wIll hUm and sIng
OUtsIde oUt where the world sIngs a lUllabY
Be stIll for I'm here wIth YoU tIll the end of tIme
HUsh now there now aYe twInkle In YoUr eYes
NIght @R_623_2955@s a soft call tree whIsper one last sIgh
OUtsIde oUt where the world sIngs a lUllabY
Be stIll for I'm here wIth YoU tIll the end of tIme
HUsh dear babY hold trUth to the Light
Hold near hold dear all that YoUr heart desIre
OUtsIde oUt there the world brIngs a lUllabY
Come what maY the dawn wIll sIng tIll the end of tIme
HUsh now hUsh now stars twInkle In the skY
SoftlY gentlY songs we wIll hUm and sIng
OUtsIde oUt where the world sIngs a lUllabY
Be stIll for I'm here wIth YoU tIll the end of daYs
Be stIll for I'm here wIth YoU tIll the end of daYs