How Can I Tell You
@H_216_0@郭采洁@H_216_0@How Can I Tell YoU@H_216_0@作词:YUsUf Islam (pka Cat Stevens)@H_216_0@作曲:YUsUf Islam (pka Cat Stevens)@H_216_0@编曲:ARNY 生命树_小王子LIttle PrInce@H_216_0@How can I tell YoU@H_216_0@That I love YoU I love YoU@H_216_0@I long to tell YoU@H_216_0@That I'm alwaYs thInkIng of YoU@H_216_0@I'm alwaYs thInkIng of YoU@H_216_0@BUt mY words jUst bLow awaY@H_216_0@And I can't thInk of rIght words to saY@H_216_0@Wherever I am@H_216_0@I'm alwaYs walkIng wIth YoU@H_216_0@Whoever I am wIth@H_216_0@I'm alwaYs talkIng To You@H_216_0@I'm alwaYs talkIng To You@H_216_0@And I'm sad that YoU can't hear@H_216_0@When I look and YoU're not there@H_216_0@更多歌词都可以来 查歌词网@H_216_0@I need to know YoU@H_216_0@I need to feel mY arms aroUnd YoU@H_216_0@Feel mY arms sUrroUnd YoU@H_216_0@LIke a sea aroUnd a shore@H_216_0@I praY In hope that I mIght foUnd YoU@H_216_0@I foUnd YoU@H_216_0@BecaUse heart can do no more@H_216_0@How can I tell YoU@H_216_0@That I love YoU I love YoU@H_216_0@I long to tell YoU@H_216_0@That I'm alwaYs thInkIng of YoU@H_216_0@I'm alwaYs thInkIng of YoU@H_216_0@BUt mY words jUst bLow awaY@H_216_0@And I can't thInk of rIght words to saY@H_216_0@回复@H_216_0@感谢 周舟 提供歌词
《How Can I Tell You》
- Bird n' Tree
- 单飞
- How Can I Tell You
- 分分钟需要你
- 外面
- 船碇
- 爱人呢
- Wish You Were Here
- 没有以后
- Last Smile
- Letter Read
- Always In Love(& 阿拉鸟)
- 我有一颗苹果
- If You Love My Soul
- Never Let Me Go
- 数羊
- 丢丢铜仔
- 别派一群兔子猎杀一只狐狸
- NaKuNa
- 昨天的月亮是圆的
- Buuve
- 练习曲(Etude)
- 昨天的月亮是圆的
- 别派一群兔子猎杀一只狐狸
- NaKuNa
- Never Let Me Go
- 喜宝
- 在我成为井井有条的大人之前
- Bird n' Tree
- 单飞
- How Can I Tell You
- 分分钟需要你
- 外面
- 船碇
- 爱人呢
- Wish You Were Here
- 没有以后
- Last Smile
- Letter Read
- Always In Love(& 阿拉鸟)
- 暖手心
- 给他(Here, There And Everywh...