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Ring My Bell

关心妍 @H_557_0@关

@H_557_0@RIng MY Bell

@H_557_0@作词:KnIght FrederIck

@H_557_0@作曲:KnIght FrederIck


@H_557_0@监制:蔡一智 for doUble c mUsIc groUp.,

@H_557_0@I'm glad YoU're home

@H_557_0@Well, dId YoU reallY mIss me?

@H_557_0@I gUess YoU dId bY the look In YoUr eYe

@H_557_0@Well laY back and relaX whIle I pUt awaY the dIshes

@H_557_0@Then YoU and me can rock a bell

@H_557_0@YoU can rIng mY be-e-ell, rIng mY bell

@H_557_0@YoU can rIng mY be-e-ell, rIng mY bell

@H_557_0@YoU can rIng mY be-e-ell

@H_557_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网

@H_557_0@YoU can rIng mY be-e-ell

@H_557_0@YoU can rIng mY be-e-ell, rIng mY bell

@H_557_0@The nIght Is YoUng and fUll of possIbIlItIes

@H_557_0@Well come on and let YoUrself be free

@H_557_0@My Love for YoU, so long I've been savIn'

@H_557_0@TonIght was made for me and YoU

@H_557_0@YoU can rIng mY be-e-ell, rIng mY bell (rIng mY bell, dIng-dong-dIng)

@H_557_0@YoU can rIng mY be-e-ell, rIng mY bell (rIng mY bell, rIng-a-lIng-a-lIng)

@H_557_0@YoU can rIng mY be-e-ell, rIng mY bell (rIng mY bell, dIng-dong-dIng)

@H_557_0@YoU can rIng mY be-e-ell, rIng mY bell (rIng mY bell, rIng-a-lIng-a-lIng)

《Ring My Bell》


The Story Of Peach Blossom(Music)