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Peace (iTunes Session)

方大同 Peace-方大同 @H_816_0@ Wake Up wake Up @H_816_0@ Terror on mY tv @H_816_0@ Blood spIlled @H_816_0@ on YoUr cv @H_816_0@ Make me qUeazY @H_816_0@ UneasY @H_816_0@ lIke a kId wIth a gUn @H_816_0@ TIme to rUn @H_816_0@ can I flIp the scene or change the scrIpt @H_816_0@ can I change YoUr lIne and change It qUIck @H_816_0@ straIght oUt of a horror flIck @H_816_0@ Are YoU worrIed If the rocket hIts apocalYpse @H_816_0@ PraYers at the edge of YoUr lIps @H_816_0@ Hold steadY when It's tIme to eclIpse @H_816_0@ Get readY lets enjoY YoUr last moment of blIss @H_816_0@ RewInd and let me change mY rhYmes @H_816_0@ In tIme YoU'll fInd @H_816_0@ I'll spIt better thoUghts dIvIne @H_816_0@ Words that rearrange the mInd @H_816_0@ Words refIned @H_816_0@ FInd the Light @H_816_0@ before we see the dark @H_816_0@ Cease the fIght @H_816_0@ So we can seIze the heart @H_816_0@ Let me talk aboUt a whole new place to start @H_816_0@ Peace love lIvIng In harmonY @H_816_0@ one world In UnItY mY brotha no enemY @H_816_0@ (so let me talk aboUt It) @H_816_0@ Peace love lIvIng In harmonY @H_816_0@ one world In UnItY mY brotha no enemY @H_816_0@ SIrens are spInnIng @H_816_0@ TheY saY terror Is wInnIng @H_816_0@ ThIs era @H_816_0@ mIght be the bIggest error we've been In @H_816_0@ IndUctIon @H_816_0@ Of man made InstrUctIon @H_816_0@ PaId for a seat at the brInk of destrUctIon @H_816_0@ 3D It's gonna jUmp rIght at cha @H_816_0@ Even too mUch for a man of YoUr statUre @H_816_0@ ThInk twIce cos YoU PlayIng wIth fIre @H_816_0@ So Play nIce @H_816_0@ cos I be wearIng a wIre @H_816_0@ SwItch It Up @H_816_0@ LIke a game of soccer @H_816_0@ Forget aboUt the name @H_816_0@ and stop fIghtIng for lockers @H_816_0@ So be carefUl for dat vIolent streak @H_816_0@ Or YoU mIght be oUt cold on a crowded street @H_816_0@ Now dodge @H_816_0@ LIke a taI chI master @H_816_0@ thInk faster @H_816_0@ know eXactlY what comes after @H_816_0@ medItate hesItate @H_816_0@ calm YoUr soUl @H_816_0@ Peace love lIvIng In harmonY @H_816_0@ one world In UnItY mY brotha no enemY @H_816_0@ (so let me talk aboUt It) @H_816_0@ Peace love lIvIng In harmonY @H_816_0@ one world In UnItY mY brotha no enemY @H_816_0@ The world Is one coUnTry @H_816_0@ MankInd Its cItIzens @H_816_0@ A speck In the UnIverse @H_816_0@ And we are Its denIzens @H_816_0@ A renaIssance @H_816_0@ Of spIrItUal natUre @H_816_0@ ThIs lYrIc Is major @H_816_0@ TheY saY oUr specIes endangered @H_816_0@ SIgn saYs don't trample @H_816_0@ StrIve to be an eXample @H_816_0@ I hope mY song @H_816_0@ Ends Up beIng a track that theY sample @H_816_0@ I'm thankfUl @H_816_0@ That I'm In thIs posItIon @H_816_0@ SomeBody saId mUsIc Is the greatest phYsIcIan @H_816_0@ Human condItIon @H_816_0@ Can be the vaInest prIson of all @H_816_0@ TIme to wake Up @H_816_0@ Break oUt @H_816_0@ Better clImb that wall @H_816_0@ TrUth be told @H_816_0@ WIth fIre we test gold @H_816_0@ WIth gold He tests HIs servants @H_816_0@ It's the storY of old @H_816_0@ TheY sold theIr soUls @H_816_0@ Served Up on a stone cold platter @H_816_0@ handfUl of grapes @H_816_0@ A bIt of snake bladder @H_816_0@ Take matters @H_816_0@ In YoUr hands and mIne @H_816_0@ The hands of tIme @H_816_0@ Peace love lIvIng In harmonY @H_816_0@ one world In UnItY mY brotha no enemY @H_816_0@ (so let me talk aboUt It) @H_816_0@ Peace love lIvIng In harmonY @H_816_0@ one world In UnItY mY brotha no enemY @H_816_0@ Peace love lIvIng In harmonY @H_816_0@ one world In UnItY mY brotha no enemY @H_816_0@ (so let me talk aboUt It) @H_816_0@ Peace love lIvIng In harmonY @H_816_0@ one world In UnItY mY brotha no enemY

《Peace (iTunes Session)》


危险世界 (iTunes Session)
小方 (iTunes Session)