Who Is It
I gave her Money 我给她金钱
I gave her tIme 我给她时间
I gave her everYthIng 我给她所有一切
Inside one heart coUld fInd 只要能在心间寻见
I gave her @R_893_1682@ 我给她热情
MY verY soUl 我给她灵魂
I gave her promIses 我给她允诺
And secrets so Untold 还有那些从未透露的秘密
And she promIsed me @R_857_1850@ 她向我承诺永远
And a daY we'd lIve as one 并且未来我们能一起生活
We made oUr vows 我们立下誓约
We'd lIve a lIfe anew 将要过着崭新生活
And she promIsed me In secret 她秘密的向我承诺
That she'd love me for all tIme 她将永远爱我
It's a promIse so UntrUe 这是多么虚假的承诺
Tell me what wIll I Do? 告诉我该怎么办?
And It doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧
And It doesn't seem rIght 这看上去不正确
'CaUse the wIll has broUght no fortUne 因为愿望从不带来好运
StIll I crY alone at nIght 我依然在夜中孤泣
Don't YoU jUdge of mY composUre 不要判断我的冷静
'CaUse I'm lYIng to mYself 因为我正对自己撒谎
And the Reason whY she left me 那么她离开我的原因
DId she fInd In @R_264_1575@ else? 是否因为她爱上了别人?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
It Is a frIend of mIne 是我的朋友吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
Is It mY brother? 是我的兄弟吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
SomeBody hUrt mY soUl 那人伤害了我的灵魂
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
I can't take thIs stUff no more 我不能再承受这一切
I am the damned 我被诅咒
I am the dead 我行尸走肉
I am the agonY 在那垂死的头脑之中
Inside the dYIng head 有我极大的痛苦
ThIs Is InjUstIce 这不公平
Woe Unto thee 你带来的悲哀
I praY thIs pUnIshment woUld have mercY on me 我祈祷这样的惩罚能给我宽恕
And she promIsed me @R_857_1850@ 她向我承诺永远
And a daY we'd lIve as one 并且未来我们能一起生活
We made oUr vows 我们立下誓约
We'd lIve a love so trUe 要真心相爱
It seems that she has left me 看来她离开了我
For sUch Reasons UneXplaIned 为着并未解释的缘由
I need to fInd the trUth 我想寻找真相
BUt see what wIll I Do? 但是我又能做什么?
And It doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧
And It doesn't seem rIght 这看上去不正确
'CaUse the wIll has broUght no fortUne 因为愿望从不带来好运
StIll I crY alone at nIght 我依然在夜中孤泣
Don't YoU jUdge of mY composUre 不要判断我的冷静
'CaUse I'm Bothered EverYdaY因为我每天都遭受困扰
And she dIdn't leave a letter 她没有留下只字片语
She jUst Up and ran awaY 就起身离开……
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
It Is a frIend of mIne 是我的朋友吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
Is It mY brother? 是我的兄弟吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
SomeBody hUrt mY soUl 那人伤害了我的灵魂
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
I can't take It 'caUse I'm lonelY 我不能忍受 我很孤独
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
It Is a frIend of mIne 是我的朋友吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
Is It mY brother? 是我的兄弟吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
SomeBody hUrt mY soUl 那人伤害了我的灵魂
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
I can't take It 'caUse I'm lonelY 我不能忍受 我很孤独
And It doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧
And It doesn't seem rIght 这看上去不正确
'CaUse the wIll has broUght no fortUne 因为愿望从不带来好运
StIll I crY alone at nIght 我依然在夜中孤泣
Don't YoU jUdge of mY composUre 不要判断我的冷静
'CaUse I'm lYIng to mYself 因为我正对自己撒谎
And the Reason whY she left me 那么她离开我的原因
DId she fInd In @R_264_1575@ else? 是否因为她爱上了别人?
And It doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧
And It doesn't seem rIght 这看上去不正确
'CaUse the wIll has broUght no fortUne 因为愿望从不带来好运
StIll I crY alone at nIght 我依然在夜中孤泣
Don't YoU jUdge of mY composUre 不要判断我的冷静
'CaUse I'm Bothered EverYdaY因为我每天都遭受困扰
And she dIdn't leave a letter 她没有留下只字片语
She jUst Up and ran awaY 就起身离开……
I gave her tIme 我给她时间
I gave her everYthIng 我给她所有一切
Inside one heart coUld fInd 只要能在心间寻见
I gave her @R_893_1682@ 我给她热情
MY verY soUl 我给她灵魂
I gave her promIses 我给她允诺
And secrets so Untold 还有那些从未透露的秘密
And she promIsed me @R_857_1850@ 她向我承诺永远
And a daY we'd lIve as one 并且未来我们能一起生活
We made oUr vows 我们立下誓约
We'd lIve a lIfe anew 将要过着崭新生活
And she promIsed me In secret 她秘密的向我承诺
That she'd love me for all tIme 她将永远爱我
It's a promIse so UntrUe 这是多么虚假的承诺
Tell me what wIll I Do? 告诉我该怎么办?
And It doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧
And It doesn't seem rIght 这看上去不正确
'CaUse the wIll has broUght no fortUne 因为愿望从不带来好运
StIll I crY alone at nIght 我依然在夜中孤泣
Don't YoU jUdge of mY composUre 不要判断我的冷静
'CaUse I'm lYIng to mYself 因为我正对自己撒谎
And the Reason whY she left me 那么她离开我的原因
DId she fInd In @R_264_1575@ else? 是否因为她爱上了别人?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
It Is a frIend of mIne 是我的朋友吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
Is It mY brother? 是我的兄弟吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
SomeBody hUrt mY soUl 那人伤害了我的灵魂
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
I can't take thIs stUff no more 我不能再承受这一切
I am the damned 我被诅咒
I am the dead 我行尸走肉
I am the agonY 在那垂死的头脑之中
Inside the dYIng head 有我极大的痛苦
ThIs Is InjUstIce 这不公平
Woe Unto thee 你带来的悲哀
I praY thIs pUnIshment woUld have mercY on me 我祈祷这样的惩罚能给我宽恕
And she promIsed me @R_857_1850@ 她向我承诺永远
And a daY we'd lIve as one 并且未来我们能一起生活
We made oUr vows 我们立下誓约
We'd lIve a love so trUe 要真心相爱
It seems that she has left me 看来她离开了我
For sUch Reasons UneXplaIned 为着并未解释的缘由
I need to fInd the trUth 我想寻找真相
BUt see what wIll I Do? 但是我又能做什么?
And It doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧
And It doesn't seem rIght 这看上去不正确
'CaUse the wIll has broUght no fortUne 因为愿望从不带来好运
StIll I crY alone at nIght 我依然在夜中孤泣
Don't YoU jUdge of mY composUre 不要判断我的冷静
'CaUse I'm Bothered EverYdaY因为我每天都遭受困扰
And she dIdn't leave a letter 她没有留下只字片语
She jUst Up and ran awaY 就起身离开……
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
It Is a frIend of mIne 是我的朋友吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
Is It mY brother? 是我的兄弟吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
SomeBody hUrt mY soUl 那人伤害了我的灵魂
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
I can't take It 'caUse I'm lonelY 我不能忍受 我很孤独
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
It Is a frIend of mIne 是我的朋友吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
Is It mY brother? 是我的兄弟吗?
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
SomeBody hUrt mY soUl 那人伤害了我的灵魂
(Who Is It?) (他是谁?)
I can't take It 'caUse I'm lonelY 我不能忍受 我很孤独
And It doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧
And It doesn't seem rIght 这看上去不正确
'CaUse the wIll has broUght no fortUne 因为愿望从不带来好运
StIll I crY alone at nIght 我依然在夜中孤泣
Don't YoU jUdge of mY composUre 不要判断我的冷静
'CaUse I'm lYIng to mYself 因为我正对自己撒谎
And the Reason whY she left me 那么她离开我的原因
DId she fInd In @R_264_1575@ else? 是否因为她爱上了别人?
And It doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧
And It doesn't seem rIght 这看上去不正确
'CaUse the wIll has broUght no fortUne 因为愿望从不带来好运
StIll I crY alone at nIght 我依然在夜中孤泣
Don't YoU jUdge of mY composUre 不要判断我的冷静
'CaUse I'm Bothered EverYdaY因为我每天都遭受困扰
And she dIdn't leave a letter 她没有留下只字片语
She jUst Up and ran awaY 就起身离开……
《Who Is It 》
Billie Jean 下一个歌词
Billie Jean 下一个歌词