黒いショールに 吹き付ける
kUroI shohrU nI fUkItsUkerU
(bY gettIng wet wIth)
雪に 濡れながら
YUkI nI nUrenagara
(snow that b@R_216_3853@s to mY black shawl,)
当てなく さ迷う 北の街
atenakU samaYoU kIta no machI
(I am aImlesslY stRollIng In the north town)
きっと 今顷 あの人は
kItto Imagoro anohIto wa
(bY now, he mUst be dIalIng)
心当たりに 电话して
kokoroatarI nI denwa e
(@R_597_1575@ In mInd,)
行方を 捜すでしょう
YUkUe wo sagasU deshoU
(and mUst be lookIng for me)
あああ 谁よりも 爱していたから
ahh, dareYorImo aIe Itakara
(ahh, becaUse I loved hIm most among others,)
あああ あきらめて 别れて来たのよ
ahh, akIramete wakarete kItano Yo
(ahh, I left hIm bY gIvIng Up mY hope)
何度 言おうと したかしら
nando IoUto akashIra
(how manY tImes I have trIed to tell hIm)
暗い あの伤を
kUraI ano kIzU wo
(aboUt that dark hUrt)
抱かれてしまえば 駄目だった
dakarete shImaeba damedatta
(bUt, I coUld not do that after I was embraced bY hIm)
それが せめての お返しと
sorega semeteno okaeshI to
(consIderIng that thIs Is mY least retUrn to hIm,)
そおっと 寝颜に 口付けて
sohtto negao nI kUchIzUkete
(I kIssed on hIs sleepIng face qUIetlY)
あの戸を 闭めたのよ
ano to wo shImeta noYo
(and closed that door)
あああ 憎むだけ 憎んだその后
ahh nIkUmU dake nIkUnda sono ato
(ahh, after I hate hIm as mUch as possIble,)
あああ 真心に 何时かは 気付いて
ahh magokoronI ItsUkawa kIzUIte
(ahh, Please realIze mY cordIalItY sometIme)
あああ カラマツの林を 抜けても
ahh karamatsU no haYashI wo nUketemo
(ahh, even after passIng throUgh thIs larch grove,)
ああ この胸に 春は まだ远い
ah kono mUne nI harU wa mada tooI
(ahh, mY heart Is stIll far from sprIng)
黒いショールに 吹き付ける
kUroI shohrU nI fUkItsUkerU
(bY gettIng wet wIth)
雪に 濡れながら
YUkI nI nUrenagara
(snow that b@R_216_3853@s to mY black shawl,)
当てなく さ迷う 北の街
atenakU samaYoU kIta no machI
(I am aImlesslY stRollIng In the north town)
きっと 今顷 あの人は
kItto Imagoro anohIto wa
(bY now, he mUst be dIalIng)
心当たりに 电话して
kokoroatarI nI denwa e
(@R_597_1575@ In mInd,)
行方を 捜すでしょう
YUkUe wo sagasU deshoU
(and mUst be lookIng for me)
あああ 谁よりも 爱していたから
ahh, dareYorImo aIe Itakara
(ahh, becaUse I loved hIm most among others,)
あああ あきらめて 别れて来たのよ
ahh, akIramete wakarete kItano Yo
(ahh, I left hIm bY gIvIng Up mY hope)
何度 言おうと したかしら
nando IoUto akashIra
(how manY tImes I have trIed to tell hIm)
暗い あの伤を
kUraI ano kIzU wo
(aboUt that dark hUrt)
抱かれてしまえば 駄目だった
dakarete shImaeba damedatta
(bUt, I coUld not do that after I was embraced bY hIm)
それが せめての お返しと
sorega semeteno okaeshI to
(consIderIng that thIs Is mY least retUrn to hIm,)
そおっと 寝颜に 口付けて
sohtto negao nI kUchIzUkete
(I kIssed on hIs sleepIng face qUIetlY)
あの戸を 闭めたのよ
ano to wo shImeta noYo
(and closed that door)
あああ 憎むだけ 憎んだその后
ahh nIkUmU dake nIkUnda sono ato
(ahh, after I hate hIm as mUch as possIble,)
あああ 真心に 何时かは 気付いて
ahh magokoronI ItsUkawa kIzUIte
(ahh, Please realIze mY cordIalItY sometIme)
あああ カラマツの林を 抜けても
ahh karamatsU no haYashI wo nUketemo
(ahh, even after passIng throUgh thIs larch grove,)
ああ この胸に 春は まだ远い
ah kono mUne nI harU wa mada tooI
(ahh, mY heart Is stIll far from sprIng)