PatIence patIence YoU aboUt to feel me lIsten
男:To the voIce fUll of soUl
It'll make anYone feel phIlosophIcal down to the core
We're talkIng aboUt (AI-LIng) @R_354_1575@ who can gIve YoU more and bLow
Open the doors to a lost sensatIon It's mY IntentIon to grab
EverYones attentIon wIth thIs song fUll of @R_499_1682@
That deserves honorable mentIon cUz @R_499_1682@ Is
Where Its at and don't YoU ever forget that
@R_499_1682@你来 我往
@R_499_1682@你来 我往
谁 究竟比较勇敢
男:To the voIce fUll of soUl
It'll make anYone feel phIlosophIcal down to the core
We're talkIng aboUt (AI-LIng) @R_354_1575@ who can gIve YoU more and bLow
Open the doors to a lost sensatIon It's mY IntentIon to grab
EverYones attentIon wIth thIs song fUll of @R_499_1682@
That deserves honorable mentIon cUz @R_499_1682@ Is
Where Its at and don't YoU ever forget that
@R_499_1682@你来 我往
@R_499_1682@你来 我往
谁 究竟比较勇敢