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陈淑桦 Let the kItchen fIre grow cold@H_365_0@ Let the ancIent wInter bLow@H_365_0@ Let the rUnnIng rIver go It's waY@H_365_0@ See It move on bY@H_365_0@ Let the geese refUse to flY@H_365_0@ TwIst and tUmble from the skY@H_365_0@ Let the wInTry fIngers Try oUr door@H_365_0@ It's open come on In@H_365_0@ @H_365_0@ All the world maY tUrn to stone@H_365_0@ The sUn maY sInk Into the sea@H_365_0@ BUt there wIll stIll be Only one love@H_365_0@ In thIs world for me for me@H_365_0@ And If the cello has no strIng@H_365_0@ It wIll alwaYs faIl to sIng@H_365_0@ And If a man Is wIthoUt love@H_365_0@ He'll sUrelY faIl@H_365_0@ In lIvIng everYdaY@H_365_0@ @H_365_0@ All the world maY tUrn to stone@H_365_0@ The sUn maY sInk Into the sea@H_365_0@ BUt there wIll stIll be Only one love@H_365_0@ In thIs world for me for me@H_365_0@ And If the cello has no strIng@H_365_0@ It wIll alwaYs faIl to sIng@H_365_0@ And If a man Is wIthoUt love@H_365_0@ He'll sUrelY faIl@H_365_0@ In lIvIng everYdaY@H_365_0@ @H_365_0@ And If I'm wIthoUt YoUr love@H_365_0@ I'll sUrelY faIl@H_365_0@ In lIvIng everYdaY



Ebony Eyes