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Love In Your Eyes

陈淑桦 I feel a presence In the aIr of somethIng specIal
somethIng rare.
Love In YoUr eYes Is the Reason whY
HoldIng the secret's a certaIn prIze.
Love In YoUr eYes Is the flame
that makes me feel so warm @R_523_1955@.
Were sIlent wIshes to be heard
It woUld eXpress that sIngle word.
Love In YoUr eYes Is the Reason whY . . .
It sUddenlY takes YoU bY the hand
And leads YoU throUgh the promIsed land.
Is thIs reallY happenIng to me and YoU?
A thoUSAnd words coUld not descrIbe
thIs precIoUs waY I feel alIve.
Love In YoUr eYes Is the Reason whY . . .
BUIld YoUr love on a strong foUndatIon
And YoU wIll feel the sweet sensatIon -
And YoU wIll feel the sweet sensatIon -
And YoU wIll feel the sweet sensatIon -
And YoU wIll feel the sweet sensatIon.

《Love In Your Eyes》


Can't Help Falling In Love
Give Me Peace On Earth