closIng mY eYes @H_223_0@
I'm gettIng hIgh @H_223_0@
agaIn and agaIn @H_223_0@
step oUt the lIne @H_223_0@
float In the aIr @H_223_0@
I'm gettIng tIred @H_223_0@
to folLow the world @H_223_0@
I've been trIed @H_223_0@
lIke the stUpId sUn ,I shIne @H_223_0@
lIke a foolIsh man ,I wrIte @H_223_0@
lIke a @R_157_2260@ beIng ,I lIe @H_223_0@
lIke a placId lake ,I'm drIed @H_223_0@
I've been In love @H_223_0@
I Used to laUgh @H_223_0@
wIth the laUghter @H_223_0@
now theY're far @H_223_0@
I met a gIrl @H_223_0@
I opend the jar @H_223_0@
I want to restart bUt It's so hard @H_223_0@
lIke a chIld to ask YoU whY @H_223_0@
lIke a frIend to saY I'm fIne @H_223_0@
lIke a cat I keep beIng qUIet @H_223_0@
lIke a dream of Urs I dIe. @H_223_0@
Look back on all the waY @H_223_0@
everYthIng was a waste @H_223_0@
everYone was Mistake @H_223_0@
what If we skIp the tale @H_223_0@
what If we get there straIght @H_223_0@
that'll reallY make mY daY