On This Earth / Hello God
On thIs earth@H_157_0@
Under the deep blUe sea@H_157_0@
And In the skY@H_157_0@
That's where YoU'll fInd mY hart & soUl@H_157_0@
That's where YoU'll mY precIoUs love@H_157_0@
If YoU wanna have It YoU know where to fInd@H_157_0@
In YoUr heart@H_157_0@
In YoUr eYes In YoUr mInd@H_157_0@
And In YoUr lIfe@H_157_0@
That's where I know I wanna be@H_157_0@
That's where I know that I belong@H_157_0@
If I were blIndfolded I'd stIll know where to go@H_157_0@
I know I love YoU@H_157_0@
YoU adore me@H_157_0@
ThInk oUr love Is heaven sent@H_157_0@
BUt the world's seen so crUel that@H_157_0@
We don't know what's gonna last@H_157_0@
I know I love YoU@H_157_0@
YoU adore me@H_157_0@
BUt woUld oUr love fInd the strength?@H_157_0@
I can't help bUt to wonder where do we go from here@H_157_0@
Hello God, It's me. Are YoU awake?@H_157_0@
I know that Its late Yes, I'm aware@H_157_0@
BUt can YoU come over to mY hoUse@H_157_0@
and sIt bY the sofa close rIght neXt to me?@H_157_0@
ReallY need some of YoUr companY@H_157_0@
I've been thInkIng aboUt alot of thIngs@H_157_0@
How I've been betraYed and been so Used@H_157_0@
How I'm sIck of TryIng, sIck of lYIng@H_157_0@
I'm tIred of crYIng mY eYes oUt sore@H_157_0@
I Don't wanna do that Anymore.@H_157_0@
Can YoU eXplaIn@H_157_0@
how In the world dId I tUrn oUt to be thIs waY?@H_157_0@
Can YoU eXplaIn@H_157_0@
how In the world dId thIngs tUrn oUt to be thIs waY?@H_157_0@
It's easIer to fInd @R_812_1575@ to blame@H_157_0@
Yet It comes wIth a heavY prIce to paY@H_157_0@
Cos In doIng so I've lost mY waY@H_157_0@
I've lost mY sense of self, of who I am@H_157_0@
Now It's me that I Don't Understand@H_157_0@
Can YoU eXplaIn@H_157_0@
how In the world dId I tUrn oUt to be thIs waY?@H_157_0@
Can YoU eXplaIn@H_157_0@
how In the world dId thIngs tUrn oUt to be thIs waY?@H_157_0@
Don't know whY.@H_157_0@
I'm on thIs Earth...@H_157_0@
Hollo God...Are YoU stIll there?
《On This Earth / Hello God》