My Color Tv Set
WIsh I had a coloUr TV set@H_571_0@
I'd sIt aroUnd all daY@H_571_0@
And kIck mY shoes off anYwhere@H_571_0@
What Is It aboUt those prettY boYs?@H_571_0@
I wIsh theY'd come alIve And brIng some coloUr to mY room@H_571_0@
la la la......@H_571_0@
WIsh I had a coloUr TV set@H_571_0@
I'd sIt aroUnd all daY@H_571_0@
And let the daY tUrn Into nIght@H_571_0@
FUnnY people PlayIng Up todaY@H_571_0@
What a joke It Is For them to see me from theIr screen@H_571_0@
la la la......@H_571_0@
I wake In the mornIng jUst to see the sUn!@H_571_0@
Look oUt the wIndow to see people passIng bY@H_571_0@
BUt nothIng(nothIng)@H_571_0@
JUst nothIng(nothIng)@H_571_0@
I thInk aboUt the thIngs to do@H_571_0@
I thInk aboUt mY coloUrfUl sweet babY@H_571_0@
WIsh I had a coloUr TV set@H_571_0@
I staY Up late at nIght@H_571_0@
Don't care what happens there and then@H_571_0@
I'm sIck of people knockIng at the door@H_571_0@
JUst me mY TV set@H_571_0@
WIll stIck Together throUgh the tImes@H_571_0@
la la la......
《My Color Tv Set》